Back Designer Statement

Siti Li






在这个作品里我融入了人对自然的理解和人对于自然关系的思考。在查看了大量的森林天空大海的图片后我最总确定了设计所需的借鉴。在整体呈现上我采用了百分百棉花制作的cotton organdy来制造一种飘逸的效果。这同时也想证明棉质的纱也可以像聚酯纤维做的纱那样轻盈好看。在制作上使用刺绣,珍珠,染色等工艺。在材料选择上棉花占到了百分之七十,天然的羊毛和珠子混合的毛毡占到了百分之二十。这个系列百分之九十的部分纯手工完成。

My thesis collection is based on how humans understand other species during the time of pandemic. As the human world has grown quiet, the natural world has had more room to expand. I use traditional Chinese crafts, such as Chanhua, the art of making flowers from silk thread and other materials, as well as embroidery, beading, and dying to express these sentiments.

I look at the patterns of ocean waves, moss, leaves, and flowers to find linear inspirations for my design concepts, and then embellish these flowing outlines with specific materiality of wool, cotton, beads, among others. This creates an effect that is both diaphanous and yet weighted with the hand work and detail of the embellishments. The collection also reflects on natural fibers and how to incorporate them into the work.