这个系列的灵感来自于我疫情期间因为独处所产生的孤独感。 因为疫情期间我与爱人不得不分居,且因父母的婚变让我产生了“无家可归”的忧虑。但尽管在作品设计阶段的初期,我产生了各式各样的负面情绪,再调整好情绪后,我在设计的过程中渐渐的也接受了这份孤独感。“孤单感”就像是“空气”,它一直都环绕在我周围,可只要我不去感受它我就不会意识到自己一直是孤独的。
Lying on the sofa
Nobody next to me
I wish I only feel lonely
in my dream
Then, when I wake up
I won’t remember
Why my pillow is wet
This collection is based on the loneliness I have felt during the pandemic. I lived separately from my husband and my parents became divorced. Though I started the collection with a negative mood, I became used to the loneliness. Being ‘lonely’ felt like air, in that it was always around me, but I didn’t realize it unless I made an effort to sense it.
I want to encourage people to accept being alone during the pandemic and to embrace the loneliness we feel.
My collection uses sheer fabrics like organza, netting and tulle to express the idea of loneliness being all always around us. Dupont paper fabric enables more structured shapes and unique textures. Fabric manipulations represent my jumbled thoughts. Everything was messed up when I started this collection.